Dean's Message

It is indeed a great pleasure for me to have the privilege of writing the forward to this all important document for the students. This students' handbook is an essential companion for all law students because of the value of the information contained therein. As a Faculty of Law primarily concerned with the teaching of legal rules and principles for the benefit of the larger society, it is imperative that our students are well grounded in the rules guiding their study here. This handbook therefore gives the students of this noble faculty all the important information concerning their academic and extracurricular activities in this faculty in particular and the university generally. The information contained includes the Vision and Mission of the LL. B program in the faculty; the administrative structure of the Faculty; Registration requirements; the course structure; Examination regulations and information on general student welfare. It is my candid believe that these basic information will, when adhered to by the students, make their sojourn here a pleasant and rewarding one.

The Faculty of Law, since its inception in 1978, has come a long .way in its effort and determination to impart qualitative legal training in accordance with the national standard, and taking into account the philosophy and objectives of founding fathers of this great institution. We have always been mindful of the fact that no education could be useful to humanity except when the possessors of. education have the high moral background to deploy their knowledge into human use in accordance with our.highly cherished societal values, particularly considering the prime position enjoyed by legal education in the society. In this respect, the Faculty has always insisted on combining the academic/professional training It imparts on the students, with high moral standard expected of a responsible citizen. It is hoped that the students will continue to maintain these values and cooperate with the Faculty administration in enhancing them.

The Faculty is also aware of the challenges, which the legal profession will continue to face in an increasingly globalize world. We will continue to live up to these challenges in-the provision of necessary' learning infrastructure, reviewing our curriculum and providing more post-graduate programs to meet the modern legal demands.

Finally, I wish to commend the cordial relationships that exist among all members of the Faculty. We have always lived as one family and that is the source of our strength. We must therefore work assiduously to maintain this bedrock of our success.
I wish you a happy stay in the faculty and pray that Allah will continue to guide us all.

Dr. Mamman A. Lawan
Dean of Law