LLB Degree Course List


Course Code Course Title
GSP1201 Study Skills
LAW1202 Legal Methods
LAW1203 Introduction to Political Sciences
LAW1305 Advanced Arabic I
LAW1306 Advanced Arabic II
LAW1307 Arabic For beginners I
LAW1308 Arabic for Beginners II
LAW1309 English for Legal Writing I
LAW1310 English for Legal Writing I
LAW1311 Introduction to Nigerian History I
LAW1312 Introduction to Nigerian History II
LAW1402 Introduction to General Principles of Shariah
LAW1204 Introduction to Sociology
LAW1206 Introduction to Economics


Course Code Course Title
GSP2202 Nigerian Government & Economy
GSP2203 Science & Technology
LAW2301 Nigerian Legal System I
LAW2302 Nigerian Legal System II
LAW2303 Constitutional Law I
LAW2304 Constitutional Law II
LAW2305 Advanced Arabic I
LAW2306 Arabic Advanced II
LAW2307 Arabic for Beginners I
LAW2308 Arabic for Beginners II
LAW2309 Law of Contract I
LAW2310 Law of Contract II
LAW2311 Application of Shariah in Nigeria I
LAW2312 Application of Shariah in Nigeria II
LAW2313 Ayat & Ahadeeth Al-Ahkam I
LAW2314 Ayat & Ahadeeth Al-Ahkam II
LAW2317 Intermediate Arabic I
LAW2318 Intermediate Arabic II


Course Code Course Title
LAW3301 Criminal Law I
LAW3302 Criminal Law II
LAW3303 Equity & Trust I
LAW3304 Equity & Trust II
LAW3305 Commercial Law I
LAW3306 Commercial Law II
LAW3307 Islamic Family LawI
LAW3308 Islamic Family Law II
LAW3309 Mu'amalat (Islamic Law of Transactions) I
LAW3310 Mu'amalat (Islamic Law of Transactions) II
LAW3311 Islamic Law of Crime
LAW3312 Islamic Law of Torts
LAW3314 Statutory & Customer Family Law
LAW3317 InterrnediateArabic I
LAW3318 Arabic Intermediate II


Course Code Course Title
LAW4301 Company Law & Partnership
LAW4302 Company Law & Partnership II
LAW4303 Land Law I
LAW4304 Land Law II
LAW4305 Law of Tort I
LAW4306 Law of Tort II
LAW4307 Islamic Land Law
LAW4308 Islamic Company Law
LAW4309 Mirath & Wasiyyah I
LAW4310 Mirath & Wasiyyah II
LAW4211 Research Methodology
LAW4212 Law of Succession & Administration of Estate
LAW4406 Moot Court


Course Code Course Title
LAW5301 Jurisprudence & Legal Theory I
LAW5302 Jurisprudence & Legal Theory II
LAW5303 Law of Evidence I
LAW5304 Law of Evidence II
LAW5405 Dissertation
LAW5307 Usul al-Figh I
LAW5308 Usul al-Figh II
LAW5209 Murafa'at I
LAW5210 Murafa'at II
LAW5311 Labour Law I
LAW5312 Labour Law II
LAW5313 International Law I
LAW5314 International Law II
LAW5211 Islamic Labour Law I
LAW5212 Islamic Labour Law II
LAW5213 Islamic International Law I
LAW5214 Islamic International Law II